Top reasons to consider flood insurance

So many residents of the Meridian, ID area make the costly mistake that because they do not live near a large body of water, they do not need to purchase flood insurance. More and more often, flooding is happening in areas that are not considered to be a high-risk area. If you would like to discuss the many reasons to purchase a flood policy, reach out to an expert at  Idaho Select Insurance today. 

Relying on Federal Assistance after a flood can be a costly mistake

Many people assume that FEMA will quickly assist after floods have damaged a community. However, it not always the case. If a Presidential Disaster Declaration is not issued, then there will be no FEMA funds. Also, federal assistance is a loan, and you will be required to pay it back to the government in the long run. 

Flood is not covered under a homeowners policy

Many people make the incorrect assumption that because their homeowners’ policy has flood coverage because it includes coverage for water damage. Water damage does not cover damage from floods but for events such as a broken pipe. If you want to be protected by flood insurance, it is vital that you purchase a separate policy. 

The cost of a flood claim can be exurbanite

Even just a little water can cause a large amount of damage in a very short period of time. In addition to dealing with the flood, you will need to quickly remediate damage to the drywall and furniture to protect against mold growth. A flood policy will offer you the peace of mind that you will not be paying tens of thousands of dollars out-of-pocket to repair damage after a flood. 

If you are interested in learning more about flood insurance, reach out to an agent at Idaho Select Insurance today. We proudly serve the Meridian, ID area. 


Who should invest in umbrella insurance?

Liability risk is something that all people need to think about and consider. For those that are in the Meridian, ID area, one great type of insurance to get to protect against liability risk is an umbrella insurance policy. The umbrella insurance policy will provide additional personal liability risk. There are several situations in which someone should invest in this type of insurance. 

Anyone at Risk of Non-Covered Event

A home or auto insurance policy will give you some liability coverage. However, it does not cover all situations that could result in a liability lawsuit. Some examples of liability that are not covered can include slander or libel. If you feel that you are at risk for either of these situations, you will want to get umbrella insurance as it will give you the general liability coverage that you need. 

When Coverage Levels are Low

If you own a home or drive a car, you likely will have some built-in liability coverage in your policies. However, some people may find that this is not enough coverage for more serious accidents and situations. If this is your case, you will want to get an additional umbrella insurance policy. This umbrella insurance policy will give you more coverage on top of your existing policies, which will come in handy if you are found liable for an accident with serious damages. 

There are many situations when someone should get umbrella insurance. If you are confused about your umbrella insurance needs, you should call Idaho Select Insurance. The Idaho Select Insurance team has helped many people in the Meridian, ID area better understand all of their insurance needs and options. This will help anyone to figure whether they need to invest in an umbrella insurance policy. 

Does My Renters Insurance Cover My Roommate?

Renters insurance for your protects you and your possessions in the event of theft, vandalism, fire, or another disaster. If you find yourself without a policy in one of these situations, you’ll likely regret not having coverage. But what if you are sharing an apartment or house in Meridian, ID? Can you split a renter’s insurance policy with your roommate? Should it even be a consideration? Here’s what you need to know about sharing a renters insurance policy from the insurance experts at Idaho Select Insurance. 

Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should 

Many insurance companies allow you to share a renters policy with your roommate, but there are some things to consider before electing to do so: 

Saving money? — Yes, it’s possible that you could save money on your premiums by splitting the bill, but at what cost? Any claim you or your roommate file will go on your record, which will affect the cost of your insurance. For example, if someone steals your roommate’s computer, the claim will go on your personal insurance record even though you didn’t suffer a loss. 

Are You Paying More for Their Coverage? — The value of your combined belongings determines the number of your insurance premiums. What if your roommate has far more expensive possessions? In that case, it’s not fair to be splitting the cost. 

What If They Move Out? — The biggest issue with sharing a renters policy is that both you and your roommate have to be committed to living together for a set period of time, yet career opportunities or personal issues may arise that result in your roommate moving from Meridian, ID to California. It can be tricky to handle a shared renters insurance policy if your roommate moves out and another one moves in. It can also be complicated trying to get their name off your policy. 

For more information about how renters insurance can help you protect your belongings speak to a friendly agent at Idaho Select Insurance today. 

Smart Bike Riders Choose Comprehensive Coverage

Motorcycle owners and enthusiasts in Idaho often look at the state’s minimum requirements as their benchmark for their policies. Smart riders know that a comprehensive policy is often the better option in the long run. Idaho Select Insurance is here to provide motorcycle owners in the greater Meridian, ID area with the information necessary to make an informed decision when it comes to selecting the policy for their bike.

Benefits of Comprehensive Motorcycle Insurance 

Comprehensive motorcycle insurance provides the coverage and protection you need in the event that you are involved in an accident. Covering damage or destruction of your bike is just one of the benefits of a strong policy. There is also coverage available for damage to property as well as bodily harm. These coverages can also be extended to include robust coverage in the event you are involved in an accident with an under or uninsured driver. Medical expenses or property damage that aren’t covered by a basic policy will then become your responsibility. To avoid this liability, it makes sense to opt for a comprehensive motorcycle policy. A basic policy may not be sufficient in the event that your bike is totaled and needs to be replaced. When you sit down with a local agent who understands bikes, you can get the information you need to get the right policy at the right coverage level. Don’t leave your protection to chance, with a comprehensive policy, you will have the coverage you and your bike need!

Want to learn more about the benefits of a comprehensive motorcycle insurance policy? The folks at Idaho Select Insurance in Meridian, ID are here to help you navigate the motorcycle insurance selection process and determine which option is right for you. Give us a call today!

Why Everyone Should Be Thinking About Flood Insurance

Relying on the “official” flood maps produced by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) may be a terrible mistake for many homeowners. FEMA creates these maps of flood zones, which are used by lenders to require homeowners to carry flood insurance to qualify for home mortgage financing.

The agents at Idaho Select Insurance, serving Meridian, ID and the surrounding area, can help with flood insurance coverage. You probably need this insurance, even if the lender does not require it.

Flood Maps are Out-of-Date

In 2017, Bloomberg reported that up to 80% of the FEMA maps were out-of-date and that FEMA was struggling to update the maps in the face of budgetary problems and the lack of sufficient staff.

The goal of FEMA is to update the maps at least once in every five years; however, due to the severe weather patterns caused by climate change, floods are now happening in areas that have not seen flooding for the past 100 years or sometimes up to 500 years.

The recent Midwest flooding destroyed millions of acres of farms that were, in some cases, tens of miles from the river banks.

Damage Caused by a Few Inches of Water

Flooding that enters a home of only a few inches of water does an enormous amount of damage to furniture, carpeting, flooring, sub-flooring, the foundation, and all the support system for the home that may include the electrical wiring. Once mold and mildew sets in, the only way to get rid of these problems is to rip everything out and put in new construction materials.

Coverage for Homes Not in a Flood Zone

The good news is that generally speaking homes that are not located in an official flood zone can usually get flood insurance by making a modest investment. Find out more about flood insurance for your home by contacting an agent at Idaho Select Insurance in Meridian, ID to get a quote for flood insurance. It is better to have flood insurance now for almost any home.

I’m Selling My Boat….What About My Insurance?

Enjoying the Waterways of Idaho

Idaho Select insurance in Meridian, ID Is Your Co-captain When It Comes To Enjoying Your Boat

The beautiful state of Idaho has extensive waterways and the residents here love it. Whether you are in Valley County, Adams County, Bonner County or any of the other beautiful counties here, you get the opportunity to go out on the water and have much fun and pleasure. Protect yourself from liability before any incidents occur. If you follow this course, your boating can be pleasurable instead of worrisome. 

Did you know that you are not required to carry boat insurance in the state of Idaho? Be careful, however because some federal waterways have different regulations. So you have to speak with an insurance agent to make certain that you are protected. The state department of motor vehicles recommends that you speak with an insurance agent before getting your boat on the water.

It is a prudent idea to have insurance to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your guests out on the water. Not to mention the boat itself. Any liability incurred will be hefted onto your personal assets as the boat owner. 

Get Boat Insurance

When you sell your vessel to another and it is insured make certain that your insurance stays intact until the transaction is complete. You are responsible for the watercraft or boat until it is legally in the hands of another-that means it has been registered and titled to that individual. 

Once the transaction is complete you can contact your agent to cancel your boat insurance. 

Idaho Select Insurance is located in Meridian ID. We are boat people too and can tell  you a story or two about how insurance can come in handy when you least expect it. Give us a call today at 208-473-2402.

Factors to Consider When Purchasing Life Insurance

When it comes to life insurance, one type of policy may work for one person but be completely wrong for another. This is why it is so important that you take the time to learn about the different types of life insurance products that are out there and consider various factors that can help you determine what type of life insurance policy may be ideal for you. Here are a few of that factors that we at Idaho Select Insurance, serving Meridian, ID, recommend you consider when buying life insurance. 

What Health Conditions You Suffer From

As you begin your search for life insurance, take the time to remember and write down any health conditions you suffer from. Certain health conditions can increase the cost of your life insurance policy, or may exclude you from certain types of coverage. Having a list of conditions ready helps to ensure you don’t forget anything and find a plan that fully covers you even with the health conditions you have. 

How Long You Need Coverage

Another important factor to consider is how long you will need coverage for. This may vary based on your age and/or your needs. Some life insurance policies may cover you for only a specific period of time, such as 10 years, while others may cover you for life. 

How Much Coverage You Need

Lastly, think about how much coverage you need. Think about how much your final expenses will cost, how much income will be lost if you pass away, and how much debt you have. A great insurance agent can work with you to determine what the right coverage amount is for your needs. 

Are you ready to learn more about purchasing life insurance in Meridian, ID? Contact us at Idaho Select Insurance today to get help selecting the right life insurance policy for your needs. 

What Homeowners In Meridian Need To Know Before Tornado Season Hits

It’s clear: tornado season is upon us. As a homeowner, you know the importance of protecting yourself against severe weather. As tornadoes begin to roll in this summer, it’s important that you take steps to keep you and your family safe. At Idaho Select Insurance, serving Meridian, ID and surrounding areas, we care about you and your home. Follow these tips to make sure you’re prepped and ready for tornado season. 

– Know your safe spot. Talk with your family about where you’ll shelter in your house when a tornado hits. Prep that area with the things you’ll need while you shelter in place, such as bottled water, nonperishable food items, a flashlight, a cell phone charger, batteries, and baby supplies, if applicable. 

– Practice. If you have young kids, it’s important that they know what to do when a tornado hits. Practice walking down to your safe spot. 

– When severe thunderstorms are coming, know how you’re going to prep your yard. Bring patio furniture inside, pull one of the cars into the garage, and make sure that any lose objects are secured. 

– Think about nearby family members, especially those who are disabled or elderly. It might make sense for mom and dad to stay at your home when severe weather is predicted. 

Of course, all the plans in the world don’t always protect against the unexpected. It’s important that you have a solid home insurance policy to keep you safe during storm season. Call our office, Idaho Select Insurance serving Meridian, ID, to set up a policy that will keep your home safe when tornadoes hit.

3 Tips for Buying Auto Insurance in Meridian, ID

Ladies and Gentlemen – start your engines! Hold on one second! Do you have proper insurance coverage? If not, you are not only risking your vehicle, but you are breaking the law. Did you know it’s illegal to operate a motor vehicle on the road of Meridian, ID without proper insurance coverage? It’s true, and something that Idaho Select Insurance is here to help with. Read on to learn how to find the best auto insurance policy at the best price.

1. Compare Several Auto Insurance Quotes

If you are eager to get behind the wheel and begin cruising, then you may not care who or where your auto insurance comes from – you have your eye on the prize – driving. However, this may result in you paying way too much for the coverage you need.

As a result, the best thing you can do is to compare quotes before making a decision and purchasing a policy. Be sure to be thorough and compare the prices and coverage line by line to find the insurer that provides the most value. (Pro tip: The company offering the most value won’t always be the one with the lowest price!).

2. Bundle Your Auto Insurance with Other Policies

Do you have homeowners or renters insurance? Have you purchased life insurance in the past? If so, then you are already working with an insurance company. Why not reach out to your existing insurance provider about bundling your new auto policy with your other coverage. This may help you save some cold, hard cash.

3. Find a Reputable Agent for Help

Perhaps the best thing you can do when it’s time to purchase auto insurance is to work with a quality agent. At Idaho Select Insurance we serve the entire Meridian, ID area and our agents can help you get the policy you want and need to get you on the road as quickly as possible.


Is Umbrella Insurance A Good Idea For Rental Property?

Anyone who rents the property out to visitors needs to make sure that they have the proper insurance in place to protect them from the possibility of damages. Most home insurance policies can offer adequate coverage to places where the value of the property is nearly the same as the insurance, but what if there are items on the prosperity or features of the property that makes the covered space more valuable than the maximum coverage?

Umbrella Insurance For Rental Properties

Property owners who have a substantial amount of assets or features on properties that may experience a significant risk from renters or event natural events may want to explore their options for umbrella insurance coverage. This particular insurance product is designed to cover above and beyond the limits of traditional home insurance. It is a great product to purchase to help ensure financial stability and prevent losses.

Exploring Insurance Options

People who are new to umbrella insurance should make sure to work with a reputable agency with agents who are dedicated to providing top quality products designed to meet the needs of their clients. Anyone who lives in or around the Meridian, ID area should speak with the agents at Idaho Select Insurance and discover how umbrella insurance coverage can give them the peace of mind they need when renting property to guests. 

People who have substantial property value or personal items on the property exceeding the value of the home insurance should consider umbrella insurance. Anyone with property in or around Meridian, ID should call or stop by the office of Idaho Select Insurance for more information.