Who Needs Commercial Insurance?

When it comes to auto insurance there are virtually dozens of different types to consider. There are typically two types of insurance that a normal driver will use and those are full coverage and liability coverage. So what about commercial insurance? Commercial insurance is a bit different from either liability or full coverage on a car that is used for personal use for a few different reasons.

It is helpful to first understand who benefits from holding a commercial insurance policy as opposed to a personal policy. Those that use a car for business only are the first group that benefits from commercial insurance. The real significance in this is that commercial policies are going to protect and cover more than just your medical bills in the event of an accident.

Commercial insurance works to help protect your business, your employees, your property, and more in the event of an accident. Commercial insurance is designed to help protect those that do have a business in the event of an accident by providing higher liability coverage. This will help keep your business from being sued in the event of an accident and will help to place the liability on the operator of the vehicle rather than on the business itself.

Those that live in Meridian, ID can benefit from talking with helpful agents at Idaho Select Insurance to see what policies will work best for their individual needs. Having a good commercial policy in effect is essential for those that have cars that are driven by people other than those that own them, that transport people for a fee, or that have vehicles that do not fit the requirements for personal policies. Knowing what coverage you need can help save you a great deal of hassle.


Motorcycle Insurance Requirements

If you intend on owning and riding a motorcycle in and around Meridian, ID, you need to make sure you have the right kind of insurance coverage. If not, you may be ticketed even if you are not doing anything else wrong. It also is a safety precaution for other drivers on the road. At Idaho Select Insurance, where are here to make sure you understand all of the legal requirements within the state of Idaho. 

Establishment Financial Responsibility

For starters, you must establish financial responsibility. There are a few ways to do this. First, you can take out self-insurance coverage, although this only covers individuals who own at least 25 vehicles under their name. The next is to make a cash deposit to the State Treasurer, obtain a security bond with an authorized in-state broker, or to obtain liability insurance (which is generally the easiest and least expensive up front option). 

Minimum Insurance Requirements

There are a few different minimum liability insurance requirements you need to know about. This is $25,000 for an injury or death to one person, $50,000 for an injury or death to two people and $15,000 for damage to property. 

Additional Coverage

Outside of the liability insurance coverage or proving you have the financial assets to pay for liability, that is the only real kind of insurance you need. Now, if you want to protect yourself in the event of an accident or other kind of incident with your motorcycle, there are other kinds of coverage available to you within Idaho. You should consider collision, comprehensive, medical payment coverage and towing and labor insurance packages. 

Remember, when you are riding your motorcycle, you always need to carry proof of financial responsibility with you at all time to show to an officer if you are pulled over. 

The benefits of boat coverage during the summer

Summer is always a glorious time, the days lengthen and get warmer, vacations are planned, and life gets easier. This makes summer the perfect time for many activities such as boating, but like all things boating can be a high-risk activity. And although in the state of Idaho, boating is insurance not required by law, you can never guarantee the protection of one of your biggest investments without it.

Some of the concerns arising for boats is the possibility of damaging the boat itself and or someone else’s. And although your boat may have been inexpensive, damaging someone else’s property could cost a lot.  Also, the chance of loss or theft has increased among boat owners, especially with those who generate income through it. All things considered, there are many odds against those who decide to not ensure their boats.

You want an insurance company that is with you in every situation. An insurance that may cover almost every issue that you may come across this summer while boating. Now serving the Meridian, Idaho area, Idaho select insurance understands the business and the active state of Idaho. With a boat being a smaller investment than a house, but a larger investment than a car, and you want to make sure that you’re protected. 

The is summer fast approaching, and nobody wants the stress of trying to enjoy themselves at a risk. With Idaho select insurance, we remove that pressure from you. In the Meridian area, we would love for old clientage to return and testify of our services. And of course, we wish for new services as others join our team. Be protected today, and have us deliver a stress-free summer.


Is It Possible to Avoid Road Rage?

It is important to keep yourself, your family and others on the roads as safe as possible by doing what you can to avoid road rage while driving in Meridian, ID. The main goal is to be in the right frame of mind while driving. For example, if you are sleeping, not feeling or have recently received bad news, avoid driving. These simple tips will help you avoid the risk of road rage.

Leave Early
There is nothing that makes someone more upset while driving than being late. When you are running late, it is easy to think everyone else is driving to slow.

Be Aware
Pay close attention to those around you when you switching lanes. Cutting someone off can easily upset them, but if you accidentally cut someone off, make sure to signal to them that you made a mistake and make all attempts to avoid a confrontation.

Give Advance Notice
Do not attempt to zip across several lanes of traffic in order to not miss your exit. When others are entering the highway or into your lane, let them in.

Park Somewhere Else
Do not risk an altercation over a parking spot. If you see someone who is inching their way towards the spot you have been waiting for, let them have it and park somewhere else, it simply isn’t the risk of being confronted by an angry driver.

It is best to do everything you can to avoid road rage. However, accidents happen, so if another driver becomes angry at you, keep in mind that road rage can cause serious injuries and even death. So, it is important that you do everything possible to avoid a confrontation. If another driver does try to confront you, when safely possible, exit the road, pull over and call the local police or 911. Never get out of your vehicle when someone is trying to aggressively confront you about a situation that happened while driving.

One of the most important things you can do for your piece of mind while driving is to make sure you have sufficient insurance. Meridian, ID drivers should contact Idaho Select Insurance for a new insurance policy or to review your current policy.

Packing Hacks to Simplify Moving Day

If you’re dreading moving day, it’s time to work on simplifying the process. Use these packing hacks and enjoy a simpler day as you prepare to make your move.

Do the Packing and Unpacking Yourself

If you have other people helping you, they’ll be wanting to know how they should pack the items and where they should go. You’ll spend all your time answering questions. It’s easier to do all the packing and unpacking yourself. Then, you can recruit help for the loading and unloading stages.

Try Color Coding the Boxes

Choose different colors of duct tape and then decide on a color for each room of the home. Tape the boxes using the corresponding color. This makes it easy to know where each box should go when you’re moving.

Put Books in Small Boxes

Books can be heavy, so don’t try stuffing them into huge boxes that no one can lift. Instead, choose small boxes for books so no one throws out their back trying to lift those books.

Eliminate Expired Items

Whether it’s makeup, medications, or food, lighten up all that you’re moving by eliminating expired items. You won’t have as much to move and you’ll save yourself the hassle of dealing with that clutter after you move.

Donate Items You Don’t Use

As you’re packing, keep track of things you don’t use anymore, such clothing that doesn’t fit or electronics you just never use. Just eliminate the clutter and donate any good items you’re not using. You’ll help someone else and you’ll make your life easier when it’s time to unpack.

In the excitement of moving day, don’t forget to make sure that your home is properly insured. Find out more about your options by contacting Idaho Select Insurance.


Tips for Riding ATVs

All-terrain vehicles have always been a favorite among those living in the country. And they have also proven to be of great value for those living in the city when severe weather makes other types of transportation difficult. As a newbie to the world of ATVs, it is imperative that you take into consideration the many safety tips that need to be followed to make sure you stay accident-free.

Stay on the routes you’re familiar with

When you go into territories and terrain that you are unfamiliar with, this will increase the difficulty of the driving endeavors you go on. With this in mind, you should stick to roads and territories you are familiar with during your first 10 to 20 hours of riding. The more experience you gain, the better your driving abilities will be.

Make sure to wear the right gear

It’s also of the utmost importance that you make sure to wear the right gear when you go riding. And this is regardless of whether or not you are a beginner. Wearing the right safety gear includes gloves, most importantly a helmet, shin pads, long-sleeve shirt and pants, and numerous other types of safety accessories.

If you would like to learn more about riding ATVs in the safest manner possible, it’s important to speak with friends and family about their experiences. And if you’re riding on property that you have never rode on, you will want to speak with the owner and make sure it is okay. For more information on riding ATVs and the proper way to go about protecting these valuable assets, make sure to speak with a qualified agent at Idaho Select Insurance today.


Time Vs. Money, How to Give What You Can in the New Year

Stories of people giving back were in abundance on social media during the holiday season. From the person who paid off a families entire lay-aways, to secret Santas who went well above what was asked to make a child’s Christmas special. Many people who would have liked to give, did not know where to start. It is important to know that the spirit of giving can last all year, and any one can give something.

Unexpected Ways to Give Back

  • Time is a valuable commodity. There are many ways to give your time if money is tight. There are soup kitchens that are always looking for extra hands, families that are in dire need of baby siting, schools that could use extra tutors to help the teachers during the day. Almost every agency that serves people could use good people to give some of their time.
  • If you are not comfortable just handing money to a family or person you know is struggling then paying one of their bills can help them keep their heads above water long enough to get on their feet. Examples of things that fall in the wayside during times of unemployment or underemployment are insurance, utilities such as power and phone, and even water. Keeping these things current is important for many reasons, including the fact that they need these basic things to be able to search for and obtain a job to begin with.
  • Assisting someone specifically in a job search is a way to give back that many people choose because it means a brighter future. A day spent driving someone to interviews, helping them with childcare, and offering advice can mean faster gainful employment.

Giving back does not have to look like a pile of cash, it can take many forms and still be helpful to a person in need. Idaho Select Insurance is a personal agency who takes pride in offering their customers fast service in the Meridian, ID area. Make sure you are insured by someone in your own community for fast personal results every time.



What You Need For Driving Abroad

Driving may be something you are very used to doing. However, when you are driving abroad, it can be overwhelming. This covers everything from insurance to rental contracts to road signs. Foreign roads may be something that you were unprepared for. There are some tips to help you every step of the way.

One of the first things you have to do is actually establish whether you are able to drive in the country you plan on traveling to. You may need more than a US driver’s license. An International Driving Permit can often be obtained from places like AAA or National Auto Club. You should also check the driving age requirements if you are under the age of 26.

Another thing to explore is insurance. You want to make sure that you are protected in the event that there is any kind of damage to the car, whether it is you crashing into someone else or a simple incident when the car is parked. You are going to be renting a car if you cross the pond, and rental car companies often offer insurance options to you.

Take the time to familiarize yourself with some of the road signs. There may be roundabouts and various other signs that are not used within the United States – and you want to make sure that you are following all of the laws within the country you are driving in.

It’s also a good idea to rent a GPS to help you get to where you want to go. If you’re not familiar with the roads, it can also be advantageous to use public transportation, particularly within the city centers.

At Idaho Select Insurance, we are prepared to help you with auto insurance. Call now and one of our insurance agents can help you find a policy you can count on. It can make all the difference in the world when driving in Meridian and beyond.



3 Tips for Dealing with a Hit and Run Driver

Being in a car accident is never enjoyable, but the feeling can be made worse if the other driver flees the scene or refuses to stop. Even more aggravating is walking outside to your parked vehicle to find someone else has caused damage while you are away.

In either situation, your insurance policy can help. Here are a few tips for dealing with a hit-and-run accident.

#1: Gather as Much Information as Available

After a hit-and-run accident, it is important to gather as many details as possible. If you are able to get a license plate number of the other driver, be sure to write it down. You can also take photos to help back up your side of the story and take written statements from witnesses who saw it happen. Any information you have that could possibly identify the other driver is crucial.

#2: Report the Incident to Police

Next, you will want to report the incident to police. However, it is important to remember that not all jurisdictions handle hit-and-run accidents alike. Some law enforcement teams will only take a report over the phone for cases where a vehicle was parked and unoccupied at the time of the incident, while others will send out an officer. Most police departments will immediately respond to an on-the-road crash with one driver who leaves the scene.

Many people also falsely believe that it is the police department’s job to track down the other driver. In serious cases where there are injuries, this can happen. However, most police departments will refer you to your insurance company instead of utilizing resources for a relatively minor incident.

#3: Understand Your Available Coverage Options

Understanding your available insurance coverage options is crucial after a hit-and-run accident. Call your agent as soon as possible to report the claim and review your policy to see what your next options are. Provide as much detail as you can when you give your incident statement. Many carriers can even take the plate number of the other car, which they can sometimes run through a database to find out who the vehicle belongs to. (Note: This is not available with all carriers or in all states.)

If you were injured, medical payments coverage on your policy usually helps offset the cost of any doctor’s visits or time off from work due to a hit-and-run accident. If your vehicle is in need of repair, collision coverage will help with the damage—no matter who is at-fault. This allows you to get your vehicle fixed right away without having to wait for the other party to come forward. While this is great news to many, there is one small caveat: you are subject to your deductible. However, if the other driver is ever found, your insurance company will be happy to help recoup that money back for you during the subrogation process.

Learn more about how insurance covers you after a hit-and-run accident. Please call us today at Idaho Select Insurance for details.


Don’t Rely on Your Roommate’s Renters Insurance Policy

Even though it’s one of the best ways to protect yourself if you rent an apartment or townhome, many people who lease a place in Meridian, ID don’t have renters insurance. Sometimes, we at Idaho Select Insurance hear renters justify not carrying a renters insurance policy by noting that their roommate has insurance. Relying on your roommate’s renters insurance policy is never a good idea, though, because it might not cover you.

Your Roommate’s Policy Is Theirs

Your roommate’s renters insurance policy is their policy, not your policy. They selected the policy and pay its premiums, and they’re the policyholder. As such, the policy insures them. It likely doesn’t insure you.

If you’re expecting your roommate’s policy to provide you with coverage, you could be in trouble if something happened. It likely doesn’t extend coverage to you. If your apartment was ever broken into or caught fire, you might have to pay for all the damages and losses yourself.

You Need Your Own Policy

As a renter, you should have your own renters insurance policy. A well-selected policy could provide you with the following coverages:

  • personal property coverage
  • personal liability coverage
  • medical payments coverage

To find a renters insurance policy in Meridian, ID that includes these coverages, contact us at Idaho Select Insurance. Our independent insurance agents have helped many tenants in the area find a renters insurance policy, and they can help you choose a policy too. After looking at multiple policies from several different insurers, our agents will help you choose the most appropriate one.

To speak with one of our renters insurance agents, call our office or contact us through our website. Once we hear from you, our agents will quickly help you find renters insurance.